Mom, Emily and I are going to Jacksonville, FL for Emily and My spring break. My mom's aunt Elaine lives there so we will be staying with her.
Our plane left Louisville this morning at 9:10am, that means we had to leave my house at 7am. Thats a little too early for both Emily and I, but we managed.
Emily and I on our way to the airport, thanks Dad for taking us!!!
Due to the security stuff we got to the airport way too early and had to wait about an hour before our plane even got to Louisville. Naturally we had the loudest, most obnoxios 40 something cell phone user sitting behind us. I beleive the man was gay, which isn't a problem at all, that is just an important detail needed for you to understand the conversation my 14 year old sister, my mom and I overheard, at 8am, in the middle of a crowded airport. Here it is the best I can remember:
"Hey, sorry I didn't get to see you as much as I liked... yea I just didn't feel up to it. I didn't even see my mom much, I told her i was sick which wasn't a total lie..... Well next time I come up I'm bringing so-and-so, and my future wife..... yea she knows, she knows, shes cool with it, I figure it's the only way I'll ever be able to have children!!! Okay well those 2 pills I gave you, take them. One is to help you sleep and the other is if you feel like you're dragging at work... Yea the one is a Loratab and the other is just a Z, yea a Zantax."
This conversation went on for a while and I will refrain from going into much more detail, but as you can imagine all 3 of us were about to die from trying not to laugh!!! He ended the conversation with a great big "LOVEYOUMEANIT"!!!! That was a bit much and poor Emily just lost it!!!!
Naturally when we boarded the plane he was 1 seat ahead of us and right across the isle. The flight attendants came through and got our drink orders. He got 2 vodkas, a can of orange juice and 2 cups. There wasn't anyone sitting in the row with him!!! He drank it all before I could get my little plastic cup of Diet Coke down!!!!

Mom, Emily and I on the plane.
Now we are sitting in Birmingham for our 1 hour layover before we head down to Jacksonville. This week has a lot in store for us. A day at Disney World, a day or 2 at the beach, and lots and lots of shopping!!!! Stay tuned for updates!!! Have a great day.... LOVEYOUMEANIT!!!